Grants of up to $500 for individuals with ideas to help connect and engage residents in their neighbourhood. Because small is beautiful. And small things can have a big impact.
Amount: up to $500
Status: Varies by location

About Neighbourhood Small Grants

Neighbourhood Small Grants is Vancouver Foundation’s grassroots grantmaking program that helps build community and strengthen connections right where people live.

We believe the best people to effect change in a community are the ones within it. And when we can make money less of an issue in doing so, it allows so many more kinds of ideas to shine.

Principles of Grassroots Grantmaking

The Neighbourhood Small Grants program is based on these six principles of grassroots grantmaking:

  1. Everyone has gifts — using an asset-based community development approach
  2. Small is beautiful — believing in the power of small-scale initiatives
  3. Local decisions are best — supporting local leadership
  4. Where we live matters — maintaining a local, place-based approach
  5. We learn together — foster skill-building and knowledge exchange
  6. Everyone is invited — create accessibility and inclusion

How It Works

Vancouver Foundation partners with qualified organizations  to administer the grants to individuals. These organizations are often local community foundations or neighbourhood houses, but any charity may become a Neighbourhood Small Grants partner. Grants range from $50 to $500. Grants are approved by Neighbourhood Grant Committees made up of local residents. This leaves community building in the hands of the people that know best – the community.

Neighbourhood Small Grants are given with trust, autonomy, and support to give people a chance to see what they’re capable of and learn new skills along the way. Ideas that connect neighbours can include building or maintaining a community garden, hosting a canning workshop a book exchange.

Become a Program Partner

For more information, please visit the Be a Program Partner  page on the Neighbourhood Small Grants website.

How to Apply

Residents can apply directly at the Neighbourhood Small Grants website .

Most communities open for application in March and early April. Some communities open for applications in the fall. Please visit the Neighbourhood Small Grants website to find out what community you belong to, and their exact deadlines.