Operational Policies

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information in line with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
Read Our Privacy Policy

Complaints Policy

To file a complaint about our services, actions, or inaction by Vancouver Foundation employees, board, or community advisors, please follow the steps on our Complaints Policy page.
File a Complaint

Our Code of Conduct and Ethics

Vancouver Foundation follows a 13-point code of conduct to carry out our mission with integrity, fairness and accountability.
Read Our Code of Conduct


Explore Vancouver Foundation’s bylaws to understand the rules and procedures that govern our organizational structure and decision-making processes.
Read Our Bylaws

Fund & Investment Policies

Fundraising Policy

This set of policies is intended to guide our fundraising while protecting donor interests. It also includes our Donor Bill of Rights at Vancouver Foundation.
Read Our Fundraising Policy

Investment Policy for the Consolidated Trust Fund (CTF)

The policy outlines how we invest, manage, and monitor the Consolidated Trust Fund.
Read Our Investment Policy for the CTF

Investment Policy for the Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Fund

The policy outlines how we invest, manage, and monitor the Socially Responsible Investing Fund.
Read Our Investment Policy for the SRI


We Respect Donors’ Rights

In our stewardship of donors, Vancouver Foundation follows the principles in the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Donor Bill of Rights. This set of principles has been endorsed by organizations that set philanthropic standards, like Imagine Canada.

Read Our Donor Bill of Rights

We Support Open Licensing

We allow our data and intellectual property to be used, shared, and remixed by others (as much as is appropriate), while also bearing in mind the First Nations principles of ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP ). We also encourage others in the charitable and non-profit sector, especially our grantees, to do the same.
Learn more about Our Open Licensing Practice

We are a Living Wage Employer

Vancouver Foundation pays all permanent and contract staff a Living Wage. We also encourage grant seekers to request enough funding to enable them to pay their staff a living wage.
Read Our Living Wage Statement