Sunny Johal
Sunny Johal is an Emergency Physician in Vancouver, BC. His interests span health tech, genomics, AI in medicine, and healthcare policy. He serves as an advisor to start-ups across North America and is a policy advisor for the federal government on behalf of the Canadian Medical Association. He is also a board member at HaloHealth, Canada’s first physician-focused angel investing group.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, he has been working on the frontlines in the ER and ICU. During this time, he also co-founded Mask a Hero BC and Ontario, an initiative focused on facilitating donations of PPE from the community to BC and Ontario hospitals resulting in thousands of donations including 10,000+ N95 masks, early on in the pandemic when supplies were low. He has also served as a mentor to students participating in the MIT COVID-19 Challenge Competitions throughout the year, helping them find unique solutions to pandemic-related healthcare and socioeconomic issues.
Sunny has previously worked in a medical setting in many provinces across Canada and internationally including the UK, South Africa, and in Brazil during the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic games.