We make it easy for your clients to reach their philanthropic goals. As you help your clients make charitable giving decisions, use our helpful resources to foster client relationships and give the best possible advice.

Older woman consults with her financial advisor with a laptop. Credit Alexander Ford.

Tools for Philanthropy

  1. Donation Calculator : Help your clients make the most of their charitable giving.
  2. Doing Good for Business Report: With 84%* of Canadians donating to charity every year, it’s clear that charitable giving is becoming a more important part of financial and estate planning. Read about how professional advisors start conversations about philanthropy with their clients and the impact of philanthropy on the industry.

Resources about Vancouver Foundation

  1. Giving Guide: Learn how to partner with Vancouver Foundation for your client’s philanthropy.
  2. Client Donations : See an overview of how your clients’ donation works.
  3. Comparison of Approaches to Giving: Compare the benefits of donating to charity through Vancouver Foundation with a commercial bank or a private foundation.
  4. Investment Overview : Learn about our asset mixes and distribution rates.
  5. How to Give: Learn about the types of assets your clients can give.

Donating to Vancouver Foundation

  1. Sample Will Clauses: Offer these helpful clauses for your client’s will when leaving a gift to VancouverFoundation.
  2. Gift of Securities Authorization Form : Initiate a securities (stocks or bonds) transfer to Vancouver Foundation.
Professional headshot of Doug Leard, Senior Wealth Advisor at Assante Wealth Management
  • Through Vancouver Foundation, my clients are able to support charities in a very personal and meaningful way. And taking an active approach towards philanthropy with my clients has helped me build deeper, richer relationships as well as enhanced loyalty.

Doug Leard
Senior Wealth Advisor, Assante Wealth Management