Donate to the Community Impact Fund
Communities are dynamic, and it’s hard to predict the next issue or crisis. The Community Impact Fund is a Focus Area that enables us to respond to urgent and timely needs of the community.
Through the fund, we can support charities that address, shape, and adapt to emergent issues. It also allows us to do our best work to fund a wide range of pressing social, cultural, and environmental projects.
By supporting the Community Impact Fund, you make the most of your gift by letting our community advisors direct it to where it’s needed most.
Most recently, it’s how we directed millions of dollars to pandemic response and flood relief in a matter of days. We’ve also been able to quickly respond to calls for racial justice by prioritizing funding for equity-seeking communities.
Be part of the solution to emerging issues. Start a fund that supports the Community Focus Area.
Focus Areas are Guided by Community Advisors
When you support a Focus Area, you join a powerful force of like-minded donors and community advisors to make a profound impact on the causes you care about. Our Focus Areas fuel our grant programs. Each program also has its own team of community advisors who are all experts in their fields. This team reviews grant applications and directs your donation to the ones.
Funded Projects
Learn about the great work that our donors have supported through the Community Fund, like these projects:
In times of unexpected community emergencies, such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, ... read full story ...
The Foundation for Black Communities is leading the way when it ... read full story ...
Doulas are an essential service that relies on unconditional funding to ... read full story ...
The Community Impact Fund has also supported the crucial work of organizations like:

We’re Here to Help
To get started, please contact our Donor Services team by emailing, or give us a call at 604.688.2204.