Why Give

Vancouver Foundation is your community’s foundation.  

Your generosity + our expertise creates a brighter future. 

What matters to you matters to us

Community foundations help make giving easy and impactful. Whether you’re passionate about education, healthcare, the environment, or all of the above, Vancouver Foundation will help connect your generosity with the causes that matter most to you.

Stronger together

When you give through Vancouver Foundation, your impact is amplified. Your gift joins forces with others, creating greater opportunities for change that help strengthen the organizations making a difference in your community.

Local knowledge, lasting impact

We work closely with communities to understand their unique needs so that you can be confident your support is making a meaningful difference—now and for future generations.

A trusted partner

For over 80 years, Vancouver Foundation has been helping thousands of donors make a positive difference in their communities. No matter how you choose to give, we’re here to help. We’ll handle the complicated book-keeping so you can focus on the most fulfilling part… giving.

How to give

Donate Online

Not sure which charity to support? Give to our Community Impact Fund, or donate to one of our dedicated Focus Areas, and let our community advisors direct your donation where it’s most needed in BC.

Start a Charitable Fund

By establishing a Donor Advised Fund, you can support the causes you’re passionate about year after year. Launch your endowment fund with a gift of $10,000 (or $1,000 to start), and support any registered Canadian charity, or let our community advisors evaluate hundreds of projects on your behalf.

Legacy Giving

When you leave a gift to Vancouver Foundation in your will, you are planting a seed — a seed that, with careful tending, will grow into something for future generations to benefit from, ultimately leaving a gift that helps build a better world. That’s the power of a legacy donation.

Give to an Existing Fund

Explore hundreds of funds with various focuses, and find one that speaks to your values.

A pictore of Ann Dyke, an elderly woman with white hair, smiling

This is my way to honour and thank [my parents].

Ann Dyke, on her Memorial Fund

Other Ways to Give

Vancouver Foundation offers a variety of options for giving. Whether it’s setting up an endowment fund, contributing to an existing fund, or making a legacy gift, we work with you to meet your financial needs and your personal philanthropic goals.

Here are a few of the most popular ways to give:

By Cheque

Cheques can be made payable to “Vancouver Foundation” with the name of your fund noted in the memo line.

You will receive a charitable donation receipt for the year your contribution was made for all donations over $25. We do not accept cash donations.

By Credit Card

You can donate directly to your fund at any time using Visa or MasterCard, by clicking here .

You may also want to consider setting up monthly or quarterly donations through your credit card. This is an easy way to give and, if at any time you want to stop, increase, or decrease the amount, just contact us.

With Publicly Traded Securities

A simple, tax-conscious way to contribute is by donating stocks to charity. By gifting publicly traded securities, you transfer the ownership of stocks or bonds to Vancouver Foundation. If your shares have increased in value, 50% of those capital gains are taxable. However, if you donate these shares to Vancouver Foundation, the entire gain is tax-exempt.

For more information, visit the Donate Securities to Charities page .

A picture of Monty Jang, an elderly man with grey hair, smiling

I’m just one person, but when we all contribute to causes together, great things can happen.

Monty Jang, on his Donor Advised Fund

Options for Giving Later

There are also ways to give to Vancouver Foundation in the future. Check out our helpful Donation Calculator to learn about tax savings by donating from your estate, or read below for other ways to donate to charity after death.

Charitable Bequest

If you’re interested in donating through your estate, you can include Vancouver Foundation in your will. A bequest can be a specific dollar amount, or a residual gift (the entire portion of your estate), and can be given outright, or as a contingent gift.

Vancouver Foundation will provide an official receipt for income tax purposes to your estate when we receive the bequest. We’ve prepared a handy document with sample clauses for your will that your lawyer can use as a guide.

Life Insurance

By naming us as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you can provide a sizeable future gift to Vancouver Foundation, without reducing what’s given to family and friends through your estate.

If you designate Vancouver Foundation as the beneficiary (or owner and beneficiary) of your life insurance policy, we will provide you with an official receipt for income tax purposes, for the amount of premium you pay each year.


Your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) can be used to make a significant donation to Vancouver Foundation by naming us as your beneficiary. This can save your estate from paying probate tax on the proceeds.

For American Donors

If you’re an American citizen, charity, or corporation that’s interested in donating, Friends of Vancouver Foundation is a separate legal entity based in Washington State that can accept your donation. They will also provide tax receipts that can be used for filing American taxes.

For more information, visit Giving Options for Americans.

Working with Charities

For Charities

We can help you set up your own endowment fund to ensure a constant stream of income that will support your charity’s mission for years to come. Endowment funds speak to your organization’s stability and commitment to the community.

Charities We Work With

Vancouver Foundation currently handles the funds of more than 550 charities of all sizes and types across Canada. We would love to partner with your organization too.

We’re Here to Help

To get started, please contact our Donor Services team by emailing donorservices@vancouverfoundation.ca, or give us a call at 604.688.2204.