Emergency Community Support Fund: Update
June 16, 2020
UPDATE: October 5, 2020
Applications for Phase II of the ECSF are open until October 30, 2020. Please click here for more information.
The Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) offers grants of up to $50,000 to charities working with vulnerable populations impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in the city of Vancouver.
The ECSF is a rapid response fund program initiated by the Government of Canada through an investment of $350 million to charities and non-profit organizations across Canada. Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) , United Way Centraide Canada (UWCC) , and the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) are working together with the federal government to deploy funding at the local level. Vancouver Foundation has partnered with CFC to deploy approximately $1.8 million in the city of Vancouver.
We will keep this page up to date with the latest information about how contributions to the Fund are supporting communities in Vancouver in response to this crisis.
- Total granted out: $2.8M
- ECSF total fund amount: $2.8M
June 29
- ACT – Autism Community Training Society ‘s goal is to enable parents, professionals and para-professionals to support children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder to live productive, satisfying lives within their families and communities.
- Adler University Vancouver Foundation works to change views on mental health, embraces community-centered care, and encourages students to give back.
- Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House plays a leadership role in building a healthy and engaged neighbourhood by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change.
- Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland ‘s mission is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people.
- Canadian Liver Foundation is committed to improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of liver disease in Canada.
- Spinal Cord Injury BC is dedicated to helping people with spinal cord injuries, and with related disabilities, adjust, adapt and thrive. Currently, we serve over 1,500 British Columbians with SCI, and their families and friends, by providing answers, information and unique community experiences.
- Children’s Organ Transplant Society provides many support services, including: medical supplies, education, and peer support for families of transplant children.
- Collingwood Neighbourhood House Society ‘s mission is to promote the well-being of the Collingwood community by providing leadership and working collaboratively with individuals, families, agencies and other groups to develop and support inclusive, innovative, sustainable initiatives and services that respond to the community’s social, educational, economic, health, cultural and recreational needs.
- Diabetes Canada (DC) presents a common vision: all people living with diabetes in Canada should be given the opportunity to manage their diabetes to the best of their ability and to achieve their full health potential through equal access to needed care and support.
- Disabled Independent Gardeners Association provides opportunities for people with physical disabilities to actively participate in gardening.
- Disabled Sailing Association of BC provides opportunities for people with physical disabilities to experience recreational and competitive sailing in fully accessible sailboats.
- Disaster Aid Canada ‘s mission is to provide and assist in delivering humanitarian aid, shelter, sustainable water systems and hygiene products to people affected by natural and other disasters.
- Ecotrust Canada works with rural, remote and Indigenous communities toward building an economy that provides for a healthy and resilient natural environment; sustainable and abundant energy, food, and housing; prosperous and meaningful livelihoods; and vibrant and inclusive cultures.
- Edo Friends of British Columbia Association is dedicated to better quality of life for all Canadians
- Egale Canada Human Rights Trust ‘s mission is to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada and to enhance the global response to LGBTQI2S issues.
- EMBERS (Eastside Movement for Business and Economic Renewal Society) is a registered community economic development charity located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
- Health Initiative for Men (on behalf of the Metro Vancouver Consortium) is a non-profit society that aims to strengthen the health and well-being of gay men.
- JustWork Economic Initiative has provided dignified, gainful employment to people who face barriers and struggle to work in the traditional workforce.
- Kidney Foundation of Canada, BC & Yukon Branch ‘s vision is for excellent kidney health, optimal quality of life, and a cure for kidney disease.
- Kiwassa Neighbourhood House is a grassroots, multi-service community agency that has been providing a broad range of free or low cost social services and programs to children, youth, adults, seniors and families in East Vancouver for 60 years.
- Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) BC works in over 50 countries around the world. We partner with local churches and organizations with similar values to amplify our impact.
- Mothers Matter Centre is a virtual, national consortium of organizations dedicated to serving socially isolated and low economic status mothers and their families.
- Pacifica Treatment Centre Society is one of the oldest drug and alcohol treatment centres in the Vancouver providing innovative treatment programs.
- Pedal Foundation promotes the use of bicycles as a healthy, affordable and environmentally sound form of transportation. We offer education in mechanical skills to empower people and to enable their access to community services and opportunities.
- Providence Health Care is a health and wellness resource for all British Columbians.
- Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon (AKA The Children’s Family House Society of BC) is a place filled with hope and love, built on the belief that keeping the family together is an essential part of healing children with serious illnesses.
- Senior Chinese Society of Vancouver helps senior immigrants adapt to their lives in Canada and provides outreach to communities and senior homes.
- Supporting Women’s Alternatives Network (SWAN Vancouver) Society is one of only two organizations in Canada providing culturally-specialized supports and advocacy to im/migrant women engaged in indoor sex work.
- John Howard Society of Lower Mainland is a dynamic, innovative social service organization that strives to create safe, healthy, and inclusive communities for all.
- The Shoe Project ‘s mission is to advance education by providing programs, courses, workshops and seminars to immigrant and refugee women to develop their written and oral skills, as well as their leadership skills and educate the public on the problems faced by immigrant and refugee women in Canada by providing presentations on such topics.
- Together We Can Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Education Society is one of Canada’s premier treatment centres for men battling alcohol and drug addiction.
- Vancouver Urban Ministries ‘s aim is to help break the cycle of poverty for some of the most needy families in East Vancouver.
- WePress Community Arts Space Society offers historic and contemporary methods of print- and art-making in a safe and welcoming space, particularly to those marginalized by systems of class, sexuality, gender, race, culture, disability, mental health, addictions, and colonization.
June 8
- Give a Better Life Foundation works in partnership with local organizations, we provide safe, dignified access to daily meals for Vancouver’s Downtown East Side residents.
- Arts Umbrella Association is a non-profit arts education centre for young people with programs in Art & Design, Theatre, and Dance at locations in Vancouver and Surrey.
- Backpack Buddies tackles the weekend hunger gap head on by working with “buddy schools.” Students at buddy schools are responsible for raising awareness in their schools around childhood hunger.
- Beauty Night Society builds self esteem and changes lives of women and youth living in poverty through three streams of programming: wellness, life skills development and makeovers.
- BWSS Battered Women’s Support Services Association – We provide education, advocacy, and support services and work toward the elimination of violence from a feminist perspective that promotes equality for all women.
- Childhood Cancer Canada works to create victories for Canadian children with cancer through investment in national, collaborative, lifesaving research, empowering education and community programs.
- Covenant House Vancouver works to serve all youth, with absolute respect and unconditional love, to help youth experiencing homelessness, and to protect and safeguard all youth in need.
- EYA Environmental Youth Alliance Society works to engage and empower youth to create meaningful, positive action for our community and environmental health.
- Food Stash Foundation works to reduce the environmental impact of food waste and bridge the food insecurity gap within our community.
- Kinbrace Community Society welcomes refugee claimants with housing, education, and support.
- Learning Disabilities Society of Greater Vancouver ‘s mission is to empower all children and youth with learning disabilities to recognize their unique strengths and develop the tools to achieve life-long confidence and success.
- NEC Native Education College helps Indigenous learners realize their potential in a supportive and cultural environment. Certificate and diploma programs lead toward high-demand careers including health care, counselling, tourism, or administration.
- Oak Counselling Services Society provides a wide range of professional, affordable counselling services.
- Providing Advocacy Counselling & Education Society – PACE Society is a peer-driven organization located in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver that provides support, advocacy, and education by, with, and for current and former sex workers of all genders.
- S.U.C.C.E.S.S. (aka United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society) – Originally an immigrant settlement service organization, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. has since developed into a multi-service, multicultural agency that provides services in newcomer settlement, employment, community development, language training, family and youth counselling, affordable housing and seniors care.
- Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada works to spread joy to sick kids across the country through a unique blend of hospital to home programs designed for the whole family.
- The Salvation Army Anti-Human Trafficking Programs – As the largest non-governmental provider of social services in Canada the Salvation Army has worked with exploited and trafficked individuals for more than 130 years. The Salvation Army is committed to fighting exploitation and human trafficking, championing rehabilitative care and awareness across the country by opening Deborah’s Gate in 2009, the first high security Canadian safe house and live-in program of its kind for survivors of human trafficking.
- Urban Spirit Foundation is a charitable organization that exists to further the success and self reliance of Urban Aboriginals in the Metro Vancouver Region.
- Vancouver Venture For Diversity Society – works to provide critical support and services, on an individual as well as group basis, to foster children, youth and families as well as advance educational opportunities to address any special needs as well as cultural competent activities and gatherings.
- WISH Drop-In Centre Society – WISH Drop-In Centre Society provides support to women who work in the street-based sex trade—60 percent of whom are homeless, and half of whom are Indigenous. Our mission is to improve the health, safety and well-being of women who are involved in Vancouver’s street-based sex trade. Our vision is for every woman to have access to opportunities to make free, healthy and positive choices.
- The YMCA of Greater Vancouver – For more than 130 years, the YMCA of Greater Vancouver has cared for kids, shaped leaders for tomorrow and helped generations of people come together to find support, get healthier and make friends for life.