Community Causes: Addressing Homelessness – Art Starts, Leave Out Violence, Youngstarters
November 18, 2015
Community Causes is an ongoing learning series to inform and inspire donors and community members about a variety of community issues. Through story-telling and site tour visits, we are proud to showcase Vancouver Foundation’s funding partnerships with charities.
In November, we hosted a Community Causes event to learn more about youth homelessness, and Vancouver Foundation’s work to improve the outlook of foster care youth through our Fostering Change initiative. The ArtStarts Gallery welcomed us into their space, which is exclusively devoted to displaying young people’s art. We also heard from two charities that received program funding from a Vancouver Foundation Fostering Change grant: Youngstarters and Leave Out Violence . Through story-telling, program participants helped us understand how youth can communicate through artistic expression, and how art can start an open dialogue about important issues that youth face.
For more information on supporting Fostering Change or Vancouver Foundation, please contact Kristin Helgason in our Donor Services Department at 604.629.5186.